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Article from PsyPost with an interview of Arvid Erlandsson:
"Political contamination” can affect everyday choices in surprising ways"

Article from with an interview of Arvid Erlandsson:
"Val av choklad kan färgas av politik"

Press release from Linköping University:
"Political opinions influence our choice of chocolate"

Radio show from Sverigesradio with Julia Aspernäs talking about our research:
"Hur can be think so differently?"

Article from Sydsvenskan with an interview:
"Psykolog: ”Vi är otroligt bra på att hålla fast vid våra världsbilder”"

Article from Neuroscience news including an interview with Julia Aspernäs:
"Truth relativism and its ties to conspiracy theory beliefs"

Article in Dagens Nyheter (DN) including an interview with Julia Aspernäs:
"Därför dras vissa lättare till konspirationsteorier"

Article from including an interview with Julia Aspernäs:
"Magkänsla bidrar till tron på konspirationsteorier"

Press release from Linköping University:
"They fall more easily for conspiracy theories"

Article from PsyPost including an interview with Julia Aspernäs:
"New research demonstrates that political ideology can taint logical reasoning"

Interview from the EJP-blog (European Journal of Personality):
"A conversation with Artur Nilsson"

Interview from Conduct Science:
"The psychology of worldviews: How our cosmovision is integrated to our personality"

Article from PsyPost with an interview:
"Swedish study: Bullshit receptivity is robustly linked to social conservatism — and support for the Green Party"

Blog post at Character & Context (Society for Personality and Social Psychology):
"Receptivity to nonsense varies across the political spectrum"

Article from The Oxford Review naming our paper the best titled research paper of 2018:
"And the best research paper title of 2018 was...."

Article in Swedish from the publisher Studentlitteratur with an interview:
"Teori och metod för alla" [Theory and method for everyone]

Article in Swedish from the newspaper Dagens Nyheter with an interview:
"Vår längtan efter auktoriteter" [Our longing for authorities]

Article from ScienceNordic (translated from Norwegian) with an interview:
"Worldviews shape personality"

Pictures from public talks and award ceremonies:

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© Artur Nilsson 2024